Mission Partners
11.5% of donations to St James' general funds are given to mission each year. In addition, fund raising events and collections are held during the year, particularly around harvest and at Christmas.
We have a number of Mission Partners working in various parts of the world and in the UK. Over the years we have supported financially, and prayed for, individuals as well as organisations. Each house group is linked to one of the Mission Partners and supports them in prayer and other ways.
Our quarterly MISSION LINK newsletter will help keep you up-to-date with our partners.
Currently our main support goes to:
- The Church and Community Mobilisation Programme (CCMP), in partnership with the Diocese of Kondoa in Tanzania, and the Diocese of Rochester – life-changing training that helps release people from poverty. see full details
- Clare Grimble, a physiotherapist working with UMN (United Mission to Nepal). Clare is based at a hospital in the foothills of Mount Everest, where a community-based rehabilitation programme is helping people living with disability - October newsletter here (www.umn.org.np)
- Hannah Hawksbee, with the SIM mission team, in Uruguay.
- Hope Gardens in Southern India, where we sponsor three students at the Bible College. They go on to minister and serve in local rural villages throughout the Tamil Nadu and Kerala region. (www.hopegardensindia.org)
- The Leprosy Mission (TLM), a global Christian organisation, leading the fight against leprosy by focusing on diagnosis and treatment, caring for disabled people, fighting discrimination, and pioneering research. (www.leprosymission.org.uk)
- Sat-7, creating faith-filled television and digital media programmes in the Middle East and North Africa, to encourage and strengthen often-isolated Christians and provide a fresh perspective of faith for those asking questions about Jesus. (www.sat7.org)
- Tunbridge Wells Youth For Christ. (https://tunbridgewells.yfc.co.
uk ).
We also support:
- The Bible Society. (www.biblesociety.org.uk)
- Fegans in Tunbridge Wells (part of Spurgeons). (www.fegans.org.uk)
- The Diocese of Rochester's annual Poverty and Hope Appeal. (Poverty and Hope)
- The Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS) is our patron. It's a charity that helps churches and leaders in the UK to grow, lead and serve in mission and evangelism. (www.cpas.org.uk)