We would love to see you at our Sunday services where we join together to worship God, hear teaching from the Bible and pray. 

At 8am there is a spoken Communion Service which follows the Book of Common Prayer order. The service lasts about 35 minutes.

The 10am service is the busiest and groups for children and young people are available. The first and third Sundays of the month are communion services. 

The 10am Sunday service is live-streamed on YouTube.  Please click on the link to follow the service or to catch up with previous weeks. 

The wall-side of the South aisle (the first one you come to) is reserved for those who would prefer to maintain social distancing, wear masks and refrain from singing.  There are no restrictions elsewhere in the church.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we gather for Morning Prayer at 9am at the front of church.  Anyone is welcome to join us as we read the Bible and pray together to start the day. This normally lasts about 20 minutes.