Ministry Group Terms of Reference

As adopted at the Annual Meeting in 2004 and amended by PCC

St James’ PCC and Ministry Groups

The PCC will consist of:
the clergy
the churchwardens
the deanery synod representatives
six elected representatives
The six elected representatives will normally serve for three years. In order to start the system however the elections in 2004 will return two representatives to serve for one year, two to serve for two years, and two who will serve for three years. Any elections which are needed will therefore be conducted in each of these three categories.
It is assumed that those elected to serve on PCC will already be fully involved in the life and worship of the church and that this will be seen, for example, through membership of a house group. In addition, once elected, PCC members will be expected to serve in other areas of the church’s life: as members of one of the ministry groups or as representatives on other bodies, so that the Council as a whole is well-informed and so that every area of church life is represented in its deliberations. The vicar and churchwardens will be ex officio members of all the Ministry Groups.
The PCC will normally meet each month (not including August and December) to pray, study, and conduct appropriate business.

There will be seven Ministry Groups:
local outreach and social activities
teaching and worship
youth and children

Each Ministry Group will report to the PCC on its area of responsibility twice each year. The finance group will also circulate monthly reports summarising the financial position. Ministry Groups will also ask the PCC to consider other matters as the need arises.

Minutes of all Ministry Groups will be circulated to the membership of the group, including the vicar and wardens, and a copy kept in the parish office.

The chair and membership of each Ministry Group will be established by the PCC. Other people may be invited to the Ministry Group, at the discretion of the Chair, but will not be able to vote or count towards the quorum. The quorum for each group will be three members for normal business and four when financial matters are being considered.

In addition to the Ministry Groups there will be a St James’ Pre-school Management Committee responsible to the PCC for the policies and operation of the Pre-School; and an After-School Club Management Committee responsible to the PCC for the policies and operation of the Breakfast Club and the After-School Club.

There will be a Standing Committee consisting of the vicar, churchwardens, treasurer and two members of the PCC. The Standing Committee would only be expected to meet to discuss matters which were very urgent.

The fabric Ministry Group will consist of
Six members appointed by the PCC and the treasurer
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to advise the church council, and implement the policies of the council, in respect of the care, upkeep and security of the Church, the Church Hall, Church House and 3, Andrews Close.
2. to prepare a rolling five year plan identifying priorities and costs and submit it to the Church Council each autumn as the budget is being prepared.
3. to monitor the fabric budget and make recommendations about financial planning where significant expenditure is foreseen
4. to liaise with the Diocese, professional advisors and contractors about the care and upkeep of church property
5. it may enter into contracts on behalf of the church council in order to implement the agreed five year plan.
6. it will have discretion to enter into contracts to enable repairs to be carried through in an emergency, or if delay would hinder the work of the church, up to the limits established in the Parish Financial Procedures. If the committee cannot meet in the time available, a decision can exceptionally be made by the chair in consultation with the vicar and the treasurer.
7. to keep the church’s health and safety policy up to date and to take steps to ensure that it is implemented

The finance Ministry Group will consist of
Six members appointed by the PCC, the treasurer, the gift aid secretary, and the administrator
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to prepare an annual budget, following consultation with budget holders, and submit it to the PCC not later than the preceding October.
2. to monitor the agreed budget against expenditure, producing a monthly report and circulating it to members of the Finance Ministry Group and the PCC
3. to prepare annual accounts for the auditors in time for approval by the PCC and submission to the APCM
4. to advise the PCC about the banking requirements necessary for the efficient running of the church
5. to monitor cash flow on a monthly basis
6. to oversee all the details of receipts and payments, including banking, security and salary payments
7. to amend and update the ‘parish financial procedures’ each year and submit it to the PCC for ratification; to advise groups within the church on appropriate financial procedures
8. to advise the PCC about insurance and employment issues
9. to encourage giving within the church

The local outreach and social activities Ministry Group will consist of
Six members appointed by the PCC, the evangelist(s) and the editor of Grapevine
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to draw up and implement a range of evangelistic activities
2. to encourage and resource personal witness by church members
3. to encourage the ministry of evangelists
4. to work with the teaching Ministry Group to provide regular evangelistic courses
5. to liaise with other local churches, together with St James’ representatives, on matters relating to evangelism
6. to organise social activities for the church to help people within the church to know each other and to provide a forum to which guests could be invited
7. to maintain a directory of members of the church (on the electoral roll) available for all members
8. to advise the PCC on the development of Grapevine and communication within the parish
9. to prepare a budget each year and to monitor its progress through the year

The mission Ministry Group will consist of
Six members appointed by the PCC with any mission partners on furlough or between appointments in attendance
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to ensure that a broad level of contact is maintained across the church with the mission partners adopted by the parish and with the relevant mission agencies
2. to update the congregations regularly, through the magazine and other means, about the work of the mission partners, and to build a network of support in prayer and other ways.
3. to encourage interest in opportunities for service in mission work
4. to administer the funds, designated or restricted, established to support mission outside the parish, provided that any non-recurring expenditure over £1,500 per annum, and all recurring expenditure, has been approved by the PCC
5. to recommend to the PCC further Gift Days or other fund raising as may from time to time be required and advise about the allocation of special collections eg at Harvest and Christmas.

The pastoral Ministry Group will consist of
Five members appointed by the PCC, the pastoral assistant(s), the co-ordinator of the prayer ministry team and the co-ordinator of the welcome team.
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to support those who have a pastoral role, whether formal or informal, within the parish
2. to help resource church members to grow in pastoral awareness and sensitivity
3. to help resource pastoral work within the parish
4. to advise the PCC of gaps in existing provision and to recommend new areas of work
5. to facilitate ongoing training (in consultation with the teaching Ministry Group)
6. to encourage the ministry of pastoral assistants
7. to support the churchwardens in the co-ordination of the work of sidesmen

The teaching and worship Ministry Group will consist of
Four members appointed by the PCC, the curate, the Readers and the house group co-ordinator
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to consult with the vicar about proposals for teaching programs within the church including those at all the Sunday services, the house-groups, and occasional events
2. to liaise with other ministry groups and more widely about training needs and make proposals for further teaching or training
3. to support the ministry of the various groups in the church and their leaders, eg house-groups and the women’s fellowship
4. to work with the local outreach and social activities Ministry Group to provide regular evangelistic courses
5. to review the range and mix of the church’s worship
6. to promote involvement in worship and prayer
7. to plan special services especially at Easter and Christmas, and (with the youth and children Ministry Group) to develop the all-age services and other youth events
8. to ensure that there are sufficient assistants to help at communion services
9. to support those individuals or groups which prepare the church for worship eg the flower team

The youth and children Ministry Group will consist of
Eight members appointed by the PCC, the children and young people’s co-ordinator, the youth worker, the parish disclosure officer and a child protection officer.
It will have the following terms of reference:
1. to co-ordinate and oversee the work with children and young people including ABC, Crèche, 615, and the children and young people’s groups
2. to encourage ongoing training in children and youth work
3. to recommend to the PCC names of those who would be suitable and willing to lead children and young people’s groups
4. to agree the helpers in the children and young people’s groups
5. to monitor the implementation of the parish’s Child Protection Policy
6. to agree and to record any off-site activities
7. to prepare a budget each year and to monitor its progress through the year